5 Signs That You're Ready For An Online Business Manager

One of the most common questions I get during ‘Take It Off My Plate Sessions” is “How do I know if I’m ready for an Online Business Manager?”.

First, let’s talk about what an Online Business Manager or OBM is.  According to Tina Forsyth of http://onlinebusinessmanager.com….

The official definition of an Online Business Manager (OBM) is:

A virtually based support professional who manages online based businesses, including the day-to-day management of projects, operations, team members and metrics.

However I like to look at the role from a bit of a different angle – what is the purpose of an Online Business Manager beyond ‘what they do’?

The role of the OBM boils down to one simple thing:

To free up the business owner so that you can focus your time and energy on the things that only YOU can do in your business.

This includes all business building activities like marketing, sales, working with clients, product development, strategic alliances and big picture business planning – all of which are essential to the growth of a business.

You need to be spending your time here – everything else can be managed by an Online Business Manager.

Now that we’ve established what an Online Business Manager is… ask yourself the following questions.

  1. Has your business hit a plateau that you can’t get beyond on your own?
  2. Are you spending more time working ‘on’ your business than ‘in’ your business?
  3. Has the running of your business become so unwieldy and time consuming that you no longer have time to ‘do’ what is that you created the business to do?
  4. Do you have a team (possibly even a really good team) but managing them and making sure things don’t fall thru the cracks has become your main job?
  5. Are you getting burned out because you can’t take the time out to recharge and take care of yourself?

These are but a handful of factors or signs that you might be ready for an Online Business Manager.  If any of them sound familiar and you’d like to talk about how an Online Business Manager can help your business, schedule a Take It Off My Plate Session with Marta to find out.

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