How To Make Big Bucks With Un-Boring Marketing

Laura Roeder & Marie Forleo

Does your marketing stand out? Does it have the “un-boring factor?”

Being fresh, new and exciting in your marketing is powerful. People are busy and they simply don’t have time to read or watch or listen to all the marketing coming their way. Yet most entrepreneurs get stuck mimicking what everyone else is doing instead of innovating.

Enter two women who are rocking the marketing scene, Marie Forleo and Laura Roeder. Last year they had an outstanding launch of their program, Rich Happy & Hot B-School, business school for women who want to make it big online.  I watched the launch and then became a B-Schooler!   Through the use of high-value content being delivered through entertaining videos, they put un-boring marketing to the test. B-School enrolled over 220 members and the success stories of their graduates are incredible.

Well, these feisty ladies are at it again with some pretty entertaining videos and even better content. They just dropped a new movie trailer and believe me, you’ll want to check it out. Click here to see some seriously un-boring marketing at work.

Go outside the box.

Think of how you can take ideas from other industries and make them fresh in your industry. Laura and Marie didn’t invent movie trailers but they’re using them for a product that has nothing to do with Hollywood. Using a trailer feels fresh and exciting for online marketing.

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel in order to stand out, just take ideas that are already successful in other industries and start using them in yours. If video isn’t your thing, experiment elsewhere, just make sure no matter what you do, it’s un-boring!

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