Which comes first, the chicken or the egg? The coach or the VA? The VA or the OBM?


Chicken or Egg?It was four years ago this month that VA-4-Hire was born. Before that I had flirted with the idea a bit, taken on a few projects, done a ton of research, but August was the month when I launched my first website and really put myself out there as a business owner.

Approaching this milestone has put me in a reflective mood and I realize that every time I invested in my business, in a big way, whether it was an expensive training program, bringing on a team member, or working with a coach, my business leapt forward.

I’ve also seen a huge difference between working with clients who have worked with a coach and those that did not.

Nowadays, when I’m speaking with potential clients, I can tell almost immediately whether they do or not. The ones who’ve never worked with a coach are usually the ones without a clear vision or plan for their business. They’re unsure about their ideal clients or what to say to them, or cloudy about how they want to do business in general.

Sometimes, I have to gently suggest that a business owner seek the help of a coach to help them move forward. For many of you the cost of coaching seems prohibitive. For many of you the cost of working with a VA seems prohibitive. Some of you will go ahead and try to do one or the other and still feel stuck.

What’s the answer? Which should you do first? How can you afford to do both?

There is tons and tons of advice on both subjects, working with a coach and working with a VA. I won’t get into all of that, but I will share my experience with you.

My business coach, Suzanne Evans, often talks to us about finding the fastest path to cash in our business and although it seems obvious, I often see, firsthand, how much time business owners spend on non-essential or non income generating activities.

Last week I shared with you the opportunity to attend a call with Suzanne called.


  1. Hi there…broken links on this page Suzanne Evans free call over.

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