How to Build Your List: Part 3 Leverage Time!

Building your list is like laundry.  It never ends and it has to be done!

This post is a series of 3:  Review the first two posts before adding these advanced techniques to your repertoire.

How to Build Your List: Part 1 Getting Started
How to Build Your List: Part 2 Building Momentum

Here are 7 advanced techniques to fine tune and amp up your list building leverage.

  1. Reach out to bigger JV partners
  2. Increase the frequency of your list building activities
  3. Create new and fresh giveaways.
  4. Add a product-specific free giveaway to each product sales page
  5. Include list building requirements when others are sponsor of your events
  6. Start sponsoring events that target your ideal client
  7. Take it one step further–become a trade show exhibitor at other people’s events.  Remember, the strategy here is to build your list, not necessarily making sales on the spot, although that can happen.

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