Product Launch Success: Putting it all together

The last couple of posts have been about How to Set Yourself Up for Successful Launch and 5 Strategies for A Successful Launch.  Today we’re adding the finishing touches before we move on to the marketing pieces.

Here is quick checklist to make sure your launch is ready to go!

1.Check all of your accounts and make sure your payments are up to date.  Make a list of all of the products, programs and software that is a part of your launch and make sure they’ve been paid.  This includes your webhost, your shoppingcart, your email marketing program, Instant Teleseminar, Audio Acrobat, anything and everything that has anything to do with your launch.   

2. Test your product or program.  Test the links and pages associated with your launch and it’s sales process…but also the product or program itself.  Are there any broken links?  Do the payment buttons all direct people to your shopping cart?  Are there any gaps in the program?  Missing emails?  Is the thank you page up to date?  It’s always good to have fresh pair of eyes go through the process to.

3. Do you have good testimonials?  If this is the first time offering this product or program, a small offering to a group of beta-testers is a great way to get high quality testimonials that are directly related to this product or program.  The more specific the testimonial, the better.

4. Get your Affiliate Resources Ready.  They’ve agreed to promote your launch, make it as easy as you can for them!  Give them graphics and done for you copy for solo emails and social media postings.

5. Line up some Joint Venture Partners.  This doesn’t have to be a big chore.  Find a few marketers in your field whose people need what you offer.

None of these are rocket science but they do take a little planning on your part.  Better to have it all laid out from beginning to end than to be in the middle of your launch and realize one of these pieces was missing.

Your Turn!  Do you have any tips to add to this checklist?  Leave them in the comments below!


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