The 6 (And Only) Things YOU Need To Do

Most of us started our businesses as Solo-Preneurs. We had to do it all on our own, at least in the beginning, and most of us didn’t start with a plan as to how responsibility would shift as the business grew. The more time went by, the more the line between what we ‘have’ to do and what we ‘should’ be doing blurred. Before we knew it, we were up to our eyeballs in clients to service and projects to launch with no real idea of what to hand off to who, only that something’s gotta give.

Sound familiar?

If enough time goes by, one of two things happen, either you start to burn out and resent your business and your clients or the business starts to fail because you no longer have the time to market and grow the business.

While every business is a little different, there are six key pieces you should be handling in your business. Everything else can (and should) be handed off.

1. “The What” – the strategy or big picture vision for your business/

2. Marketing & Sales – at least until you’ve created a strong, proven, duplicatable process that you can later hand off.

3. Content Creation – your articles, blog posts, videos, new products or programs.

4. Delivery of services – coaching, teaching, consulting, etc. 

5. Joint Venture relationships – It’s all about relationships at least until you’ve grown so big that they’re knocking down your door with offers 😉

6. Speaking & Teaching – in the beginning you do this to build your credibility and get known; later you keep doing it to build your exposure and stay top of mind.

So are you managing ONLY these things? What do you need to hand over to someone you trust?


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