How to Create Blueprints, Templates and Documentation That Has Your Business Practically Running Itself

How to Create Blueprints, Templates and Documentation That Has Your Business Practically Running Itself

By Guest Blogger, Deanna Maio Delegation & Automation Strategist at

Just about everything you do in life has a process and a system. For example, when you go to the supermarket you probably have a routine that you have unknowingly created. Maybe you make a list, gather coupons, and then head to the store, hitting specific aisles as you go. When you sort the mail you probably repeat a very similar routine. It’s sorted, trashed, opened and filed. These are systems that you’ve created automatically and probably without much thought.

Your business operates much the same way. Though in many cases you probably haven’t thought about whether those business systems are efficient or effective. You can use your intrinsic processes to create blueprints, templates, and documentation that support your business to operate almost automatically.

Step #1 Make a List of the Tasks that Are Often Repeated
If you have a daily to-do list, then making this list of tasks will be easy. As you go through your day, add to it any tasks that come up or that you forgot to put on the list. At the end of the week create one long list of your tasks. If you don’t have a to-do list, then start tracking everything you do during the day. Again, at the end of the week you’ll have a long list.

Step #2 Highlight a Few and Track the Steps
Take a look at the most time-consuming tasks. Identify the tasks that don’t directly generate profits, that you’re not good at, or that you simply don’t like doing. One by one, track the steps that you take to complete each task. For example, if you send invoices every Friday afternoon then what steps to you follow to get through this step? You log into your invoicing system, you access your schedule to identify the number of hours you’re billing for, etc. Simply write down the steps you take for the tasks that are on your list. You’re making a first draft blueprint.

Step #3 Evaluate and Fine Tune
Taking a look at each of these tasks, evaluate if the process is as simple as it can be. Ask yourself if technology could make the process easier. Look for ways to reduce the time and energy spent on the task. If the process is as streamlined as possible then save the document as a blueprint. You can now easily outsource this task to someone else because you have a step-by-step plan.

Work through every task on your list that can be outsourced. If the process or system changes, then update your blueprint. As your business grows, you’ll be able to easily delegate more tasks to your virtual assistant and you’ll have confidence that it’s getting done correctly. You’ve provided them with a step-by-step plan for success.

And now I would like to invite you to claim your seat to my free training “The Mechanics of Making More” when you visit 

I’ll share my 5 step system for growing your business using systems, automation, and delegation whether you’ve got a large team already or you’re starting with just one virtual assistant.

Register today and you’ll get my Top 10 Apps to Systemize, Delegate & Automate your Online Business to 7 Figures and my Successful Meetings Cheatsheet.

Click here to learn more and register. 

From Deanna Maio – Delegation & Automation Strategist, Delegated to Done

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