The Biggest Secret for Successful List Building


Once your coaching business is buzzing along it may feel as if you’re done with the hard work of list building, email marketing, brand awareness and so forth. But, the truth is, you’re just getting started. Getting a business up and running successfully is one thing, but maintaining that same business is yet another. Now that you’re successful, it’s time to take stock of what you have, what your future goals are, and devise strategies and tactics to rise to new heights.

One way that you can accomplish many goals in terms of marketing your business and spreading the word about your successful coaching practice is to continue building your list. List building is not something that is done once and finished. List building is an ongoing process, and slow and steady wins the race.

Targeted Subscribers

When building your list you don’t want just any subscribers. You want targeted subscribers who want what you have to offer. Perhaps they weren’t ready to purchase upon first visiting your website, but after taking your free ecourse, or reading your free report, and receiving a few informative e-newsletters, they’ll be ready.

Segmented Subscribers

Another feature of a responsive email list is the presence of audience segmentation. Even though you have a specific target audience, within that target audience are subsets of a group that can be segmenting. It depends on your niche but at the very least you can segment your list subscribers by what they’ve purchased, emails that they’ve opened, and from where they clicked through to your website.

Focus On Revenue Generating Activities

Outsourcing allows you to finally place your focus on solely revenue producing activities. As you learn more about letting someone else help you with your business you’ll finally be able to get back some of the work-life balance you dreamed of when starting your coaching practice. Letting go and letting someone else focus on list building activities, while you focus on coaching, idea generation, and product creation will help you not only maintain your six figure business but possibly take it to a whole new level.

Outsource Strategically

Choosing a team to help you with list building (not to mention social media marketing, content marketing, graphic design and more) requires that you understand what your goals are, and understand enough about what you want to accomplish to hire the right person with the right skills. Choosing a virtual assistant who has experience with list building, several different types of autoresponder technology, and email marketing is an imperative, because once you build your list, it’s all about email marketing.

Finally, build your list while also developing successful product launches and improving your social media profile. Allowing me and my team to handle your day-to-day administrative needs will go far in letting you maintain your six figure business, or finally push you over the top toward earning six figures if you’re not quite there yet.

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