How Will This Year Be Different From Last Year?

Has the high of the New Year planning and resolutions worn off for you yet?

Many of us, myself included, spent the last weeks of 2015 creating plans and projections for the New Year.  It’s a magical time full of dreaming and fairy dust.

But for most, that’s where things breakdown.  We hit the wall of resistance.

No action is taken.  No change is made.

In order to make the new plan happen old habits need to be broken.  New habits need to be made.


Let’s start by looking at how you currently spend your time.

Your current schedule is how you got to where you are today.  What needs to change to get you to where you want to be a year from now?

Do you have regular ‘office’ hours?  If not, what would you like that to be?

During those office hours, do you have set times for chunked tasks or projects?

For example, you should have time set aside for…

  • email check-ins
  • client calls
  • team meetings
  • small blocks for quick projects
  • time to plan
  • time to work on your content
  • time for partnership calls
  • social media check ins

Open up your calendar and block those times out now.

Are your vacations and other days off scheduled for 2016?  If you have kids, are you taking time off for their school holidays?

Do you have enough open time on your calendar to support your existing client load?  Do you have enough time on your calendar to support however many new clients you want to add in 2016?  If not, what needs to change?  What do you need to let go of?  What can you hand off to a team member?

This is something I look at with my OBM clients on a regular basis.  Sometimes the answer is to take some things off their plates or get rid of activities that no longer support their business plans. Sometimes the answer is to raise their rates so that they can make more money and have more open space on their calendar for the new projects they want to create.

If one of your goals for the new year is to have more JV partnerships or to have a big launch supported by JV partners, is there time in your current calendar to create and nurture those relationships?

Ask yourself the same questions for all of your new goals.  Create room for them on your calendar.  Nothing will change until you take this first step.




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