Sometimes you just have to let it go.

It’s easy to get caught up in the “I have to do it all myself” mentality when starting your own business.  Heck, even people working regular jobs or building careers feel this way.  The weight of the world is on your shoulders and you have to carry the load alone, either because you feel you’re  the only one that can do it right, or you don’t want to give up control, or you don’t think you an afford to hire someone to help you out.

You need to realize that sometimes you just have to let it go.  You can’t do it all, you aren’t qualified to do it all, you shouldn’t have to do it all and you don’t have to do it all.

Ironically enough, I sometimes find myself in the same boat.  Because I’ve just started my own business, I feel like I have to do it all myself, I know I can’t afford to hire someone else to do it.  This was my train of thought until I hit a bump in the road.  Namely, my website.  It wasn’t doing much for me and I didn’t know how to take it any further.  I felt like I was spinning my wheels, I was not qualified to build one myself, yet I did not think I could afford to hire someone else to do it.

What changed for me?  What was my AHA moment?  I ‘met’ a new member on another VA forum.  Jason Murphy.  He was knowledgeable, he was helpful and one day he offered a killer deal to the members.  He offered to install Word Press and add a little SEO to our sites for an incredible price!  Far lower than the thousands I had been told would be required to build a “quality” site.  I realized right then and there that I had to do what I was asking my potential clients to do.  I had to realize that it would cost far less for me to hand this off to a real professional and get the job done right, than it would cost for me to keep putting it off trying to devise my own schemes to try to do it myself.  I’m so glad I did.  Within days he had the job done and I had a great site that I just can’t stop looking at.  Within hours of it being done I had a couple of prospects.  How can you argue with results like that?

So, what do you have going on right now that would benefit from being done by a real professional?  What are you putting off doing because you just don’t enjoy or aren’t really good at or you’re just too busy to do?  Better still, what are the things you’re doing right now on a daily, weekly or monthly basis that have to get done, but are keeping you from truly realizing your potential or focusing on growth?  Let this be your AHA moment.  Hire a Virtual Assistant and let it go.  Who knows what new heights you’ll reach without all of those pesky tasks that were holding you down!

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