The Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Offer VIP Day Intensives and Private Coaching!

Each month I talk to several people who are interested in working with us. At the end of each call, regardless of the outcome, I thank the person I’m speaking to and tell them that I appreciate learning more about them and their business. And I mean it! Whether or not we go on to work together, each call brings me at least one valuable insight.

One theme that has been popping up a lot lately is the concept that all you have to do is sell a small product or line of products to make six figures online. Without having a list. Without having established themselves as experts. Without joint venture partners to help them promote it.

Then, when they publish their sales page or website nothing happens. They followed the blueprint. They did everything ‘right’. Aren’t there gurus out there making millions with one product launch?

Oftentimes they’ll assume that the product was the problem or the copy was the problem and they start all over again. And again. Because they’re brilliant and have a ton of great ideas!

In reality, building a business is like building any other structure. You need a foundation.

In a coaching business the foundation is your signature system. Your signature system is exactly that, the system, the coaching, or the process you use to create the transformation your provide.

Here are the Top 3 reasons You Should Offer VIP Days and Private Coaching:

  1. Signature System: Working with your ideal clients in a one on one situation that makes it easy to hone in on the solutions that you can offer and the transformation you provide. It’s your sand box or testing ground of sorts to discover what truly works for you and your clients and where your gifts are.Once you have a good idea of their need, your process, and the transformation that occurs, you have the basis for future products and group programs.
  2. Credibility: As a result of the work you’ve done in this capacity, your confidence increases as you see the success you’ve helped create time and time again.Your clients will rant and rave about the work you’ve done together which leads to testimonials, referrals and higher visibility, as you become well known for the work you do.
  3. Instant Cash Flow: When you offer VIP Days and Private Coaching, your clients will experience greater and more immediate results than they would from a product or group-coaching program. People will gladly pay higher fees for that opportunity. (Tip: Make sure to collect payment before the VIP day takes place and take care of what payment terms you will accept for your private coaching clients.)

Some people shy away from private coaching because it seems to be too time or labor intensive. With the right systems and support in place it can be as easy as just showing up for your coaching appointments and doing what you do best.

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  1. […] Start making offers to your list.  Start with free sessions and work you way up to VIP Days. […]

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