Tweet Cloud – Do you know what you REALLY tweet about?

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Tweet Cloud – Do you know what you REALLY tweet about?

Are you ever curious to know what exactly you're tweeting about? Sometimes it's fun to check out the silly applications that are constantly being developed for twitter. When I saw a link for tweet cloud, I was curious.

Tweet cloud analyzes the text in your tweets for up to one year and renders a visual cloud of the words you use most…with the most being in the biggest fonts. I realized this can be instructive too.

My top 3 words are: blog, tips and video (though it seem like the word "online" is bigger than video). That sounds about right. I like to stay fairly focused on twitter and do tweet a lot of blogging tips. I also get a lot of excellent feedback from people who appreciate the tips so I'm glad I'm on track.

Here's my cloud:


The one slightly annoying this about tweet cloud is that they automatically send a tweet to your twitter stream without your permission. This could be construed as spam by some. I'd prefer the option to tweet or not to tweet.

Nonetheless, it's a fun way to visually see what you're tweeting about the most.

Let's connect on twitter!

Denise Wakeman, The Blog Squad on Sunday, November 29, 2009 in Internet Trends | Permalink

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Tweet Cloud – Do you know what you REALLY tweet about?

Are you ever curious to know what exactly you're tweeting about? Sometimes it's fun to check out the silly applications that are constantly being developed for twitter. When I saw a link for tweet cloud, I was curious.

Tweet cloud analyzes the text in your tweets for up to one year and renders a visual cloud of the words you use most…with the most being in the biggest fonts. I realized this can be instructive too.

My top 3 words are: blog, tips and video (though it seem like the word "online" is bigger than video). That sounds about right. I like to stay fairly focused on twitter and do tweet a lot of blogging tips. I also get a lot of excellent feedback from people who appreciate the tips so I'm glad I'm on track.

Here's my cloud:


The one slightly annoying this about tweet cloud is that they automatically send a tweet to your twitter stream without your permission. This could be construed as spam by some. I'd prefer the option to tweet or not to tweet.

Nonetheless, it's a fun way to visually see what you're tweeting about the most.

Let's connect on twitter!

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