10 Signs That You Need a Virtual Assistant

  1. You just don’t have enough hours in the day to get it all done.
  2. You’re spending more time on administrative tasks than on revenue making tasks.
  3. You’ve hit a ceiling.  You just can’t add anything else to your plate.
  4. Your E-mail Inbox is overflowing and you find yourself wanting to just delete everything and start over again.
  5. You have sticky notes pointing you to other sticky notes so that you can try to keep track of it all.
  6. You wake up in the middle of the night remembering something you forgot to do.
  7. You dream about completing tasks you left undone during the day.
  8. You have a back log of projects that haven’t been completed because you’re missing information or know-how as to how to get it done.
  9. Your bookkeeping hasn’t been updated in months.
  10. Your don’t spend enough time with your friends and family.

If you’ve found yourself in any of the situations listed above it’s time, you need a Virtual Assistant.  Accept it, embrace it, don’t dread it.  It means that you’re ready to move to the next level.  Hire a Virtual Assistant and watch your productivity and your income increase dramatically!

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