How to Implement an Email Marketing Campaign–The Basics

  The use of email is a proven way to effectively market an online business. Anyone looking to start a new business or looking for new ways to increase their sales should consider including email marketing as part of their overall marketing strategy.   When starting out with an email marketing campaign, you need to

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10 Signs That You Need a Virtual Assistant

You just don’t have enough hours in the day to get it all done. You’re spending more time on administrative tasks than on revenue making tasks. You’ve hit a ceiling.  You just can’t add anything else to your plate. Your E-mail Inbox is overflowing and you find yourself wanting to just delete everything and start

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Social Marketing Explained

This is an awesome video by Perry Belcher.  He takes Social Networking and breaks it down into terms anyone can understand. Perry Belcher on Social Marketing **Warning…the language is a little strong, but otherwise he does a really good job of getting his point across.


I thought I’d begin the Internet Marketing portion of our series with a basic introduction to SEO.  SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.  This means making sure that your web pages are accessible to search engines and are optimized or focused in ways that help improve the chances that they will be found. Now that

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