Archives for December 2008

Destination Ahead….Virtual Assistant Needed

Are we there yet?  You know, that point where you’ve realized it’s gonna take a little bit of help to fulfill your goals.  You have a clear vision of the direction you want to go in.  You know what your goals are and you know the steps you have to take in order to get

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Virtual Assistance Explained…

I’ve been playing with Twitter this past week, getting my feet wet, so to speak.  I downloaded TweetDeck and I’ve been studying up on the features.  One of the features allows you to maintaing an open Search for whatever keyword you like.  Of course, my first choice was ‘Virtual Assistant’. Lo and behold one of

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Social Marketing Explained

This is an awesome video by Perry Belcher.  He takes Social Networking and breaks it down into terms anyone can understand. Perry Belcher on Social Marketing **Warning…the language is a little strong, but otherwise he does a really good job of getting his point across.